Genre fiction, sometimes known as popular fiction, is a term used in the publishing industry. It describes fictional works written with the intention of fitting within a specific literary genre. Thus it will attract readers and fans who are already familiar with that genre.
A number of well-known authors have written genre fiction. Doris Lessing and Margaret Atwood have both written science fiction. John Banville published crime books as well as Benjamin Black. André Gide, named Georges Simenon, the author of the Maigret detective novels, “the most novelistic of authors in French literature.”
The main genres are crime, fantasy, romance, science fiction, and horror, with some Western, inspirational, and historical fiction thrown in for good measure.
After You (The New Life of Ordinary Girl)
After reading Me Before You, I wonder what Louisa do when the love of her life left. Will she be sad about losing Will? Will she move on as the others did? So I am hoping to read the life of Lousia after Will left. And our dear Author Jojo Moyes surprise us by showing … Read more
Before the coffee gets cold: Summary & Review
“And you must return before the coffee goes cold. “ Kazu Author Information Toshikazu Kawaguchi was born in Osaka, Japan, in 1971. He formerly produced, directed and wrote for the theatrical group Sonic Snail. As a playwright, his works include COUPLE, Sunset Song, and Family Time. The novel Before the Coffee Gets Cold is adapted … Read more
“The Travelling Cat Chronicles” by Hiro Arikawa
“It’s not the journey that counts, but who is at your side.” Hiro Arikawa – The travelling cat chronicles
Men Without Women: Stories
Introduction The book contains seven stories about men who lost their women, either alive or dead. The stories portray the feelings, reaction and emotions of those men who lost their women. Or a man and a woman could be nothing but just business. Haruki Murakami extracted feelings not elaborated and emotions that could not be … Read more
The Three Children who lived near the Railway
The three young children who can face the dramatic changes in their lives but never forget fo be kind and brave.
“If Cats Disappeared from the World” by Genki Kawamura | How the movie is different from the original book version.
1. The Devil’s appearance is not the same The first major difference is the characteristics of the devil. The devil in the movie isn’t different much, except for his personality, from the young man. He almost looked like a “doppelgänger”. However, in the book, the devil’s characteristics are completely different from the young man, except … Read more